Lecturing & Courses given

12/10/2023 "Plastics. We Think We Know Them, But Do We Really?", Lecture, Symposium Back, Now, And Then 2023 - Understanding Dieter Roth’s POeMETRIE series & the Age of Plastics, bridging Science and Art, Institute for Sciences and Technology in the Arts & Institute for Conservation and Restoration, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria
19/7/2023 "Methodology for attaching inventory numbers to collection items made of plastic", workshop, preliminary investigations and instructions for employees of the German Historical Museum, Berlin
2022-2024 "Documentation and Examination of Cellulose Acetate Objects in Museum Collections, Using the Example of the German Historical Museum Foundation (DHM)", seminar "Exemplary Documentation and Examination of Plastic Objects" in connection with "Instrumental Analysis Methods", Bachelor students of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW), organisation and supervision in cooperation with Dr. Anna Schönemann, winter semester 2022-'23 and 2023-'24, Berlin
25/11/2021 "Soft Foam - Properties, Degradation and Conservation", lecture, digital workshop for staff of the Dresden State Art Collections, organised by Franziska Klinkmüller - an event on the topic of preservation and handling of the walk-in installation "the house" by Ernesto Neto from the Hoffmann Collection, which was shown in the exhibition STILL ALIVE at the Albertinum.
2016, ´20, ´22, ´24 "Retouching with Airbrush", organisation of a practical workshop for Master students in Conservation, University of Amsterdam
2016, ´20, ´22, ´24 "Techniques and Theory of Consolidation of Matte Paint", lectures and organisation of a practical workshop for Master students in Conservation, University of Amsterdam
3-30/6/2020 "Filling Materials for Restoration of Modern Art", online lecturing with practical workshop for Master students in Conservation, University of Amsterdam
30/4-28/5/2020 "Filling Materials for Restoration of Modern Art", online lecturing with practical workshop for Master students in Conservation, in collaboration with Dr Carolin Bohlmann, with the kind support of Deffner&Johann, Academy of fine Arts, Vienna
20/11/2019 "The Life of Slides - Conservation and Duplication of Slides”, lecture at the symposium 'Site Specificity, Immaterial Art in the Museum', on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition 'Laboratory of Sound Art', Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark
19/1/2018 "Auf lange Sicht! Das Forschungsprojekt zur Konservierung von Dia-Kunstwerken der Hamburger Kunsthalle”, lecture at a symposium about conservation of slides, 'Back to the Future!', Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg
18-19/1/2018 "Back to the Future! Im Karussell der Diakonservierung", organisation of a symposium, with workshops und a presentation of slide-based installations, to conclude a long-term conservation project about slide-based art, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg
Sept 2016 - Sept 2017 Project "Retouching As Part of a Work of Art" by Ulrich Vogl (artist, Berlin) with cooperation of Master students at Hochschule für bildende Künste, Dresden, Faculty of Art Technology and Conservation of Works of Art. Exhibition Ulrich Vogl, "the nature of drifting", Nov 23rd - Dec 23rd, 2017, Kevin Kavanagh, Dublin
14/9/2016 “Examining the Digital Future of Analogue Slide-Based Artworks at the Hamburger Kunsthalle”, lecture at the IIC International Congress, 'Saving the Now: Crossing Boundaries to Conserve Contemporary Works', Los Angeles, California
13/11/2015 "Filling and Adhering of Polyurethane (PUR) Hard- and Soft Foam in Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art", organisation of a VDR practical Workshop, Art Academy, Dresden
20/7/2014 "Filling and Adhering of Polyurethane (PUR) Hard- and Soft Foam in Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art", organisation of a VDR practical Workshop, Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum for Contemporary Art, Berlin
14/6/2014 "Wie fest soll es sein? Konservatorische Überlegungen zur Kittung und Verklebung an Fallbeispielen von Carl Andre und Niki de St. Phalle", lecture as part of the first event in the new series 'Adhesion of modern materials', VDR Committee of Modern Art, Berlin
18/4/2014 “Decision-making in Conservation of Modern Art”, lecture at Conservation Forum at Tate Britain, London
13-17/8/2012 “Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art”, organisation of the training course for conservators with Evelyne Snijders (University of Amsterdam), for employees of the Heritage Conservation Center, Singapore
19-20/3/2012 “Techniques and Theory of Consolidation of Matte Paint”, lectures and organisation of a practical workshop for Master students in Conservation, University of Amsterdam
5/11/2011 “Bisschen Schwund is’ immer!”, guest lecture at Free University special research field annual conference, FU Berlin
3-14/10/2011 “Modern and Contemporary Art Conservation”, organisation of a course for Master students in Conservation, Vantaa-Helsinki, Finland
23/5/2011 “Retouching of Imitation ‘Gold’ Paint in Modern Paintings by Rudolf Stingel”, lecture at SRAL Symposium 'Filling & Retouching', Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht
25/9/2009 “Zen and the Art of Sculpture Maintenance – Oder vom konservatorischen Umgang mit Oval Buddha von Takashi Murakami”, lecture at VDR symposium MKKM, Kunsthalle Mannheim
19/6/2008 “Conservation of Mike Kelley's Portopotty”, lecture at SBMK Symposium Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
Sep-Nov/2005 and 2006 “History and Ethics in Conservation”, trimester course lectures for Bachelor students of Museology, Reinwardt Academy, Amsterdam
17/7/2004 “Operation Panamarenko”, lecture at IIC 20th International Congress, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao
1/6/2001 “The Conservation of Modern Art at the Limburg Conservation Institute”, lecture at Victoria & Albert Museum, London
14/3/2001 “The Training Program in Conservation of Modern Art at the Limburg Conservation Institute”, lecture at ICOM-CC Interim Meeting of working group 'Modern Materials', Cologne
7/2/2001 “Conservation of Eugène Brands Orion-Nebulae”, lecture for Committee of Dutch museum conservators, Maastricht
26/1/2000 “Conservation of and with Plastics”, lecture for Committee of Dutch museum conservators, Maastricht
1/4/1999 “Treatment of a Painted Wood Sculpure De Spin by Karel Appel”, lecture for Committee of Dutch museum conservators, Maastricht
14/1/1999 “Tensile Strength in Naum Gabo's Sculpture Linear Construction in Space No.2”, lecture for Committee of Dutch museum conservators, Maastricht