"Retouching imitation 'gold' paint in modern paintings by Rudolf Stingel", The Picture Restorer Nr 46, Spring 2015, p.18-21, colour plates p. 28
This article describes the restoration of an oil painting on canvas by Rudolf Stingel, with use of an airbrush. The drawbacks of the airbrush technique, when used in paintings conservation, are demonstrated. Nevertheless, with the right precautions and testing procedures this technique can lead to great results. In this particular case, the artist was involved in providing a supply of paint samples of original paint. Several years after conservation treatment the small gold painting in private collection was inspected again, and was found in excellent condition. A number of large format canvas paintings by Stingel from the early 1990s, in monochromatic oil paint with silver enamel, was also succesfully treated.
Photo by the author, Contemporary Conservation, Ltd (2009)